阿片类药物过量救援包 | NorthWest Arkansas 社区 College-线上买球平台



符合 阿肯色州第811号法案, NWACC has installed opioid overdose rescue kits in all college locations. 这些 kits provide 烯丙羟吗啡酮 (the generic name for the drug Narcan), an opioid overdose reversal medication, and are readily accessible to bystanders so they can provide life-saving intervention in the event of an opioid overdose.

烯丙羟吗啡酮/Narcan is a safe medicine that can be administered even if you do not know 一个人嗑了什么药啊. It only reverses overdoses in people with opioids 在他们的系统中.

Someone who is overdosing may stop breathing or their breathing may be slow and labored. An overdose is life threatening so act fast!


  • 呼吸衰竭
  • 缓慢呼吸
  • 小的学生
  • 没有反应
  • 血液循环不良导致皮肤发蓝

Person Pouring Pills Into Her Hand

如何应对药物过量 & 管理纳洛酮/纳洛酮:

Instructions on how to respond to an overdose can be found below and inside the opioid 药物过量救援包. 的 kit has instructions to call 911, as well as if and when to give a second dose of 烯丙羟吗啡酮/Narcan.

注意:约书亚阿什利保利法案阿片拮抗剂免疫法案 offer protections when you call 911 and/or assist in the event of an overdose. 



  • 试着叫醒他们. 摇他们,喊他们的名字.
  • Rub your knuckles hard on the center of their chest.
  • Hold your ear close to their nose, listen and feel for signs of breathing.
  • Look for signs of an overdose such as small pinpoint pupils and pale blue skin and 指甲颜色.


  • Tell the operator your exact location and say you are with a person who is not breathing.
  • Tell the operator you are going to give the person 烯丙羟吗啡酮/Narcan.
  • Follow any instructions you get from the operator.

 3) 管理纳洛酮 Instructions on How to 管理纳洛酮 Up the Nose

  • Hold the spray with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger and place your index and middle fingers on the side of the nozzle. 
  • Tilt the individual’s head back and support their head with your hand.
  • Insert the nozzle into a nostril until your fingers on either side of the nozzle are against the bottom of the person’s nose.
  • Press the plunger firmly to release the full dose.
    • Review the graphic to the right and this 30秒的视频 to learn how to administer 烯丙羟吗啡酮/Narcan nasal spray. 


  • Check again if they are breathing. Someone who has overdosed needs oxygen. 烯丙羟吗啡酮 may take a few minutes to start working.
  • If you can't hear them breathe or their breath sounds shallow, provide rescue breaths.
  • Follow instructions of 911 operator until help arrives.

 5) 给 a Second Dose of 烯丙羟吗啡酮

  • Wait about 3 minutes for 烯丙羟吗啡酮 to take effect. 如果对方没有回应 after 3 minutes, give a second dose.


  • Stay with the person until help arrives.
  • If the person starts breathing on their own, but they do not wake up, roll them to their side to a recovery position.
  • When the person wakes up, they may not remember what happened 和y may be scared, 紧张或不安. Keep them calm until help arrives.

也可以随意下载 阿片类药物过量协议工具包. 


位置 of Opioid Overdose 工具包s at NWACC

的 following maps show the locations of the opioid overdose kits in NWACC buildings. 的 opioid overdose kits can be found in the same locations as the automated external 除颤器(AED)试剂盒.

NWACC建筑 工具包 位置
Brightwater 1st floor, end of hallway 187, facing front desk, room 101
伯恩斯大厅 1st floor, main entrance, attached to the Department of Public Safety Station, room 1205
伯恩斯大厅 1st floor, east end, in the vestibule next to room 1003
伯恩斯大厅 1st floor, west end, inside the Fitness Center, room 1458
伯恩斯大厅 2nd floor, west end, next to the stairwell 和 Science Lab/Specimen Storage, room 2328
伯恩斯大厅 3rd floor, central, in between the 市场营销/公共关系 and Senior VP of Learning 办公室,3028室 & 3023
卫生专业中心 1st floor, west side, facing the mechanical pump, room 1025
卫生专业中心 2nd floor, west side, facing the physical therapy lab, room 2027
卫生专业中心 3rd floor, west side, facing the electrical room 3019
Global Business Development Center 1st floor, lounge 1001, next to restrooms and Learning Resources, room 1022 
Global Business Development Center 2nd floor, lounge 2003, next to restrooms
集成设计实验室 1st floor, next to restrooms and data room 110 
National Child Protection Training Center 1st floor, Study Lounge 1003, next to the video reflection rooms 
物理设施 1st floor, Training/Breakroom 109
Shewmaker Center for 劳动力 Technologies  1st floor, main entrance to the left of the doors, room B101
Shewmaker Center for 劳动力 Technologies  2nd floor, centrally located in the common areas, in front of the admin desk, room B201
学生中心 1st floor, next to the Student Information Center, room 101
学生中心 2nd floor, next to the Conference Room 221
学生中心 3rd floor, Student Lounge 301, next to women's restroom
华盛顿县校区 DPS办公室一楼,128室
华盛顿县校区 1st floor, east end, next to exit doors and science lab, room 121
华盛顿县校区 2nd floor, east end, next to stairwell and across from nursing lab, room 220