Expenditure Transparency - Act 742 and 1163 | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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Expenditure Transparency - Act 742 and 1163

About Act 742

In accordance with the provisions of Act 742 of 2011, educational institutions are required to file in electronic format all reports required by law to be filled with state entities. As suggested by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE), NWACC provides links to ADHE for public access to the Annual Comprehensive Report as well as access to Arkansas Department and Finance Administration.


About Act 1163

Act 1163 called for the creation of a publicly accessible website that details all expenditures of state-supported institutions of higher education, such as NWACC. This act creates ACA 6-61-135 that requires state-supported institutions of higher education to establish and present expenditure data on a website which is electronically searchable by the public.

The data is to include the payor, payee, amount and purpose of expenditures if such disclosure is permissible under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq., and federal laws or regulations. Expenses related to pending litigation are not included.

NWACC Expenditure Transparency

View postings of expenditures by NWACC, a public institution of higher education. 

Disclaimer: Reports found on this website are not intended to present data regarding the financial condition of NorthWest Arkansas Community College and must not be relied on as such by the reader.