Customized Training for Businesses | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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Creating a Future-Ready Workforce
Customized Training

Creating a Future-Ready Workforce
Customized Training

Customized Training for Businesses

NWACC provides customized in-person and online employee training that's designed for your business's unique workforce needs. Many trainings qualify for funding through Arkansas Office of Skills Development (OSD) training grants. Visit the OSD website to learn more and apply.

Our Process:

  • NWACC conducts a needs assessment to determine your goals and objectives.
  • After your desired outcomes are identified, NWACC tailors a training program to suit your diverse team.
  • Employee training can be administered online or in-person.
  • Post-training, NWACC wants to hear from you to determine how we can maximize our effectiveness as a training provider.

Contact us to learn how NWACC's customized training can increase and improve productivity, efficiency, leadership and other in-demand skills within your organization.

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