Online International Student Admission Process | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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Online International Student Admission Process

Student Sitting In Front of a Laptop

An online international student is an individual from outside of the United States who wishes to attend NWACC virtually and enroll in a total of 12 credits of online courses.

Your NWACC journey begins by applying, submitting a number of documents and then receiving an acceptance letter. Read further to learn more about the application process and course requirements.  

Apply to NWACC as an online international student.

Apply to NWACC

Use this instructional video to help you apply to NWACC. 

Next Steps

Please upload your documents online:

Documents to upload include:

There are two types of online international student acceptance: 

  • Unconditional Acceptance 
  • Provisional Acceptance 

In order to receive Unconditional Acceptance, you must submit all admission documents and complete the Accuplacer test at least 90 days prior to the start of your applied semester. 

Provisional Acceptance is awarded once you are 90 days from the start of your applied term.  Enrollment will be permitted pending your Accuplacer test scores and course(s) availability.  

Request your Remote Accuplacer Exam

About Online Courses 

As an online international student, you will enroll in both video lecture and non-video lecture education coursework. These courses are called “remote synchronous” (video lecture) and “online” (non-video lecture) respectively.  If at any time you desire to enroll in on-campus courses then please email