French Language | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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In NWACC's French language courses, you'll learn about the French language and culture. Along with English, French is the official working language of the United Nations, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, the European community and more.

Today, French is spoken in more than 50 countries by more than 125 million people as their native language, and by a billion more as a second or third language. Join in French classes and “Parlons français ensemble!”

View NWACC's French courses

French Placement Information

If you'd like to be placed into Elementary II or Intermediate language classes without the proper pre-requisites, you can do so by taking the placement exam at NWACC's Testing Center located on the third floor of the Becky Paneitz Student Center. International language faculty will then evaluate the exam and advise you on where you place in the program. The exam is free and takes approximately thirty minutes.

CLEP Examinations Approved and Accepted by NWACC

NWACC Course Equivalent

Min Test Score

NWACC Credit Hour


FREN 1003 & 1013




FREN 2003 & 2013



If you have made the minimum score below on an AP language examination, you may receive the following credit:

AP Examination

NWACC Course

Min Score


FREN 1013 & 2003



FREN 1013, 2003, & 2013


NOTE: If you plan to take a placement exam, be sure to do so well before the class registration period so you are able to sign up for the correct level and can plan the rest of your schedule accordingly.